January 2002

Thursday the 31st

The winner of this year's germination race is... amarillo aji.

That's only five days since planting. The heating mat must be doing some good.

Saturday the 26th

Today I started my hot pepper seeds indoors. This year I'm doing things slightly different. Instead of plastic trays, I'm using slightly larger peat pots. In addition, I bought a mat that plugs into the wall and warms the soil by 10-20 degrees. This should help with germination and produce stronger plants than last year. It's doing its job already; the clear plastic covering the seeds is constantly fogged up with condensation.

This year's selection includes several from last year: Flourescent Purple, Barker's Hot, Hungarian yellow wax, amarillo aji, serrano, and Charleston cayenne. I've also added some new ones: golden habanero, early jalapeno, tabasco and Switzerland aji.

In a few weeks I will likely plant some sweet bells, the tomatoes, broccoli and anything else that needs to be started indoors.

Planting a garden this year? Send me mail, I'd love to hear about it!