A Geek Trapped in Los Angeles!

Photo of Los Angeles smog

Ah, yes, Los Angeles. The last place I ever wanted to live. The one place I promised myself I would never live. It was bad enough driving through LA to get to San Diego. But, after nearly 6 months of unemployment, I had to work. The savings were running out. The salary offered was $30,000 less than I made in San Jose. The rent for apartments in decent areas of LA is about the same as in the SF Bay Area. This just is not working out.

I bet you were wondering when I was going to get to the meaning of the title of this little exercise. Well, now you have it. Here I am in LA with its high cost of living, low salaries, and no more savings.

I'm trying to put my wife through school. It now looks like she will have to drop out (at least temporarily) and work so that we can start saving money. It is now our goal to do whatever we can to move out of this area.